Out of Every Sorrow Another Day Will Dawn.

Pic courtesy of http://www.leninimports.com/roy_lichtenstein_gallery_18.html
Nothing much to report tonight. Only the news that my boyfriend ended things with me this evening. I guess it is what it is. Thanks Scott, for being a good friend, coming over to talk, and taking me for some TCBY. Much appreciated.
Cass, I'm sorry... I'm sending you big hugs!! I hope things work out for the best this way. You are a terrific person and I have such a great deal of respect for you - you were, and still are, one of my favourite Waterloo people :D You often single handedly made my University experience, heh. I thank you for that.
Feel better, and screw TCBY - go for the deep down dirty Hagan Daaz!
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